Product Release: Week of November 27th, 2023

🚨: Aclaimant has now released an additional functionality around the Phone Number for SMS Messages.


What's New?

 If you or your team receive notifications via SMS (text message) from Aclaimant, these messages will be coming from a new phone number. Aclaimant SMS messages will now come from 877-225-4235; this number is just for sending SMS messages from the Aclaimant system and is not a phone number to reach support or the Aclaimant team. 

To ensure there are no interruptions in service, we encourage you share this message with your team and ensure that this number is not blocked. 

Were you unaware that team members could receive SMS notifications? Check out our About Notifications Help Center article or our related webinar on Users, Roles, and Notifications and get your notifications working for you!

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