OSHA ITA Data Requirements

OSHA has strict requirements that surround validation of data being submitted. For example, the total number of incidents must equal the sum of the different injury categories. Currently within Aclaimant, data validation will not be conducted within the platform. This is due to our application not enforcing that a customer supply a complete data set to use Aclaimant's OSHA reporting feature. To ensure this works properly on your end, you will want to make sure that a full data set is available to submit via OSHA's Injury Tracking Application (ITA). This includes:

  • OSHA Annual information uploaded for the establishment and year, with all three columns containing values.
  • A full set of OSHA keys in the complex option integration. This includes a valid six-digit NAICS code.
  • A fully completed Form 301a for each incident included on the report, including fields that are not required on the form template.

This guide provides information on OSHA ITA’s many data validations and requirements.

Special characters
OSHA ITA does not allow any special characters, including but not limited to (, ), ~, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ?, /, \, and !. Aclaimant automatically strips these characters from the CSVs we generate, but if you re-introduce any when editing your CSVs, you may run into this error.


OSHA 300A (establishment summary) data requirements

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Columns, data types, and validations:

  • establishment_name (required) string, max length 100, must be unique
  • ein string, length = 9
  • company_name string, max length 100
  • street_address (required) string, max length 100
  • city (required) string, max length 100
  • state (required) string, 2 character postal code
  • zip (required) string, 5 or 9 digits
  • naics_code (required) integer, must be valid 6 digit NAICS code https://www.census.gov/naics/
  • industry_description string, max length 300
  • size (required) integer, must be 1, 21, 22, or 3
    • Enter 1 if the establishment has < 20 employees
    • Enter 21 if the establishment has 20-99 employees
    • Enter 22 if the establishment has 100-249 employees
    • Enter 3 if the establishment has 250+ employees
  • establishment_type integer, 1, 2, or 3
    • Enter 1 if the establishment is not a government entity
    • Enter 2 if the establishment is a State Government entity
    • Enter 3 if the establishment is a Local Government entity
  • year_filing_for (required) integer, must be active OSHA reporting year
    • note: the OSHA ITA pdf doesn’t mention this field as expected or required, but it seems to be
  • annual_average_employees (required) integer, 0 < x < 25,000
  • total_hours_worked (required) integer, max length 10
    • Must be > 0
    • total_hours_worked divided by annual_average_employees must be < 8760
    • total_hours_worked divided by annual_average_employees should be > 500
  • no_injuries_illnesses (required)
    • Enter 1 if the establishment had injuries or illnesses
    • Enter 2 if the establishment did not have injuries or illnesses
  • total_deaths (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_dafw_cases (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_djtr_cases (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_other_cases (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_dafw_days (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_djtr_days (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_injuries (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_skin_disorders (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_respiratory_conditions (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_poisonings (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • total_hearing_loss (required) integer, x >= 0, max length 10
  • change_reason string, max length 100


OSHA 300A Establishment Summary Data Requirements.xlsx

Here is OSHA’s official documentation on this import https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/osha_ita_api_documentation_revised.pdf - however, we have found a few inconsistencies, so we recommend reviewing our list of validations above.


OSHA 300/301 (cases) data requirements

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Columns, data types, and validations:

  • establishment_name (required) string, max length 100
  • year_of_filing (required) integer, must be active OSHA reporting year
  • case_number (required) string, max length 100, must be unique
  • job_title (required) string, max length 255
    • may only contain alphanumeric characters
  • date_of_incident (required) mm/dd/yyyy
  • incident_location (required) string, max length 255
  • incident_description (required) string, max length 255
  • incident_outcome (required) integer, length 1
    • 1 for Death
    • 2 for Days away from work
    • 3 for Job transfer or restricted work activity
    • 4 for Other recordable cases
  • dafw_num_away (required) integer, max length 3
    • 0 if no days
  • djtr_num_tr (required) integer, max length 3
    • 0 if no days
  • type_of_incident (required) integer, length 1
    • 1 for Injury
    • 2 for Skin disorder
    • 3 for Respiratory condition
    • 4 for Poisoning
    • 5 for Hearing loss
    • 6 for Other illnesses
  • date_of_birth (required) mm/dd/yyyy
  • date_of_hire (required) mm/dd/yyyy
  • gender character, length 1
    • M for male
    • F for female
  • treatment_facility_type (required) integer, length 1
    • Was employee treated in emergency room?
      • 1 for yes
      • 0 for no
  • treatment_in_patient (required) integer, length 1
    • Was employee hospitalized as an in-patient?
      • 1 for yes
      • 0 for no
  • time_started_work HH:MM (24 hour)
  • time_of_incident HH:MM (24 hour)
  • time_unknown integer, 1
    • 1 for unknown, leave blank for known time
  • nar_before_incident (required) string, no max length
  • nar_what_happened (required) string, no max length
  • nar_injury_illness (required) string, no max length
  • nar_object_substance (required) string, no max length
  • date_of_death mm/dd/yyyy


OSHA 300/301 Case Summary Data Requirements.xlsx


Date and time formatters
You will also need to ensure that your date columns are formatted in mm/dd/yyyy format; to do this, select your data columns in Excel, and on the Home tab, choose your data format through the dropdown > More Number Formats, and then either navigate date and pick a format that matches these, or navigate to custom and type one of these formats in. Similarly, you will need to ensure that your time columns are formatted in HH:MM format - in 24-hour time. Aclaimant automatically formats your data to meet these date and time requirements, but when opening CSVs in spreadsheet software like Excel, these formatters can be automatically updated into a format that ITA does not accept (such as m/d/yy, i.e. 1/1/99 or hh:mm a, i.e. 3:04 PM).

Here is OSHA’s official documentation on this import https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/ita_case_data_csv_specifications.pdf - however, we have found a few inconsistencies, so we recommend reviewing our list of validations above.

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