How to Submit Inbox Messages

There are 4 ways to send an inbox message: 

  1. Phone call - Aclaimant provides every client who requests it with a unique phone number that can be used to call and leave an inbox message in the form of a voicemail or a text message.
  2. Text message - you can also send a text message to the phone number provided. Photos can be included in the text message, as well. A confirmation text message will be sent back to the person who submitted the text message.
  3. Email - Aclaimant provides every client with a unique email address (see below screenshot). Emails with photos or other attachments can be submitted.
  4. Web URL - Aclaimant provides a web link that can be used to submit inbox messages. Not every company adopts this feature. If you would like to use this, please reach out to your Aclaimant Customer Experience Manager or Support at more information. 


    • After submitting an inbox message, the admin user can go to the dashboard and click on the Inbox Messages tab or the Inbox category and view all of the submitted messages.

    • Inbox messages can be filtered by author, source (voice, text, email, web), tags, or sorted by oldest or newest. You can also type in a keyword to search for a message.
      • You can also look for messages in the folders on the left that have been archived or messages that have been deleted, which go to the trash folder.


    • If you would like to create an incident report from an inbox message, please go to How to Create an Incident article.

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